Message from the Executive Director

Dear Friends:

Thank you for your ongoing support to HOPE and our important housing programs. We couldn’t do the work we do without your generosity. In the coming weeks we will be sharing with you some heartwarming stories about how your support is truly making a meaningful difference in the lives of people with developmental disabilities—though the acquisition of new properties, affording more people a wonderful place to live, to the updating of existing properties and improved facilities.

I’m excited to tell you about our recently launched website at I invite you to log on, learn more about HOPE, and sign-up to receive updates electronically via email. Our improved website also includes increased capabilities including donation and event registrations functions. You can also now follow HOPE on Facebook and LinkedIn to have access to stories and articles that won’t appear in the newsletter. We certainly hope you will check it out and help us to get the word out about HOPE and our programs.


Affordable Housing: Making a Difference in Your Community


A Reason to Celebrate