Frequently Asked Questions
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Frequently Asked Questions
Below are HOPE’s most frequently asked questions:
Q: What is HOPE?
A: HOPE is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) housing organization that specializes in creating affordable homes for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Q: How is HOPE funded?
A: HOPE receives funding through earned income (e.g., rental and lease revenue), government housing programs (e.g., HOME Investment Partnership, CBDG, project-based rental assistance), foundation grants, and donations.
Q: What percentage of donations goes toward programming vs. administration?
A: Our current three-year budget allocation average is 88% program-related expenses and 12% administration-related expenses.
Q: Does HOPE offer a home ownership program?
A: Although at the founding of our organization in 1994, HOPE explored offering services that would assist people with developmental disabilities in purchasing homes, today we focus on offering a range of affordable rental options.
Q: What does HOPE provide?
A: HOPE provides four models of healthy, stable, and affordable housing throughout Los Angeles County: Independent Living, Supportive, 24-Hour Residential Care, and College to Career housing. (For more information, see Housing Models.)
Q: Does HOPE receive government funding?
A: Yes, it is essential to bring together the right partners to leverage community support for our mission. Where city, county, state, or federal resources are available to support our mission, HOPE is competitive in applying for these housing funds.
Q: Does HOPE face NIMBYism (Not in my backyard)?
A: We believe meticulous maintenance of our homes, staff who are present to provide needed services to our residents, and tenants who are often active contributing members of their communities prove to neighbors that HOPE homes are an asset and not a deficit to their neighborhoods.
Q: Who does HOPE serve?
A: HOPE serves adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. A developmental disability is a condition diagnosed before the age of 18, is life-long, and includes autism, cerebral palsy, down syndrome, epilepsy, intellectual disability, and other similar conditions.
Q: What types of living arrangements are offered?
A: HOPE offers both independent units and shared, single room occupancy (SRO) housing. SRO units provide residents their own bedroom and shared access to the rest of the house. Depending on the particular house, apartment, or condo, residents may or may not have their own bathroom and will share common living spaces and the kitchen with housemates.
Q: Are there specific rules residents have to follow?
A: Yes, our housing does come with rules, including respecting housemates’ personal space and rights. All rules are outlined in a resident agreement.
Q: What rights apply to HOPE residents?
A: Since HOPE properties are in California, specifically Los Angeles County, HOPE residents have the right to live in their HOPE homes for as long as they choose and as long as they follow the resident agreements. However, HOPE may issue notices or pursue legal action if a resident breaks the lease or rental agreement, damages the property, persists in disturbing other residents, or uses the HOPE home for illegal activity.
Q: Are occupants or non-residents living in the home considered HOPE residents if they are not paying rent?
A: A person does not become a HOPE resident just because they lived in a HOPE property for a long time. HOPE residents typically pay income or subsidies toward rent and follow the rental agreement.
Q: Are non-HOPE residents allowed to live in HOPE homes?
A: Non-HOPE residents residing in HOPE homes, including guests who have extended the allowed length of stay, may be removed through the court process. The court process usually runs five to seven weeks after an initial notice has expired.
Q: How do I sign up?
A: To inquire about HOPE housing Independent Living homes only, please complete your housing inquiry form here.
*Please note that the Supportive Housing, 24-hour Residential Care, and College-to-Career housing models are only eligible to clients of the Regional Center. If you are a client of the Regional Center and are interested in this housing model, please contact your service coordinator directly.