HOPE’s Capital Campaign Is On Its Way!

On March 7, HOPE received approval from the City Council in Norwalk to access $502,000 in CHDO (Community Housing and Development Organization) funds and purchase two three bedroom homes for persons with developmental disabilities. The two properties will be rented to six persons with developmental disabilities on HOPE’s wait list of over 150 people. The funding is the first major block of committed funds towards HOPE’s five-year Capital Campaign with the goal of raising over 2.6 million dollars that will provide fifteen new units for affordable rental housing. HOPE has now raised almost 20% of our goal! HOPE’s partnership with the City of Norwalk began in 2006 when the city provided $532,000 to purchase and renovate the Angell property where three ladies with developmental disabilities live. We are thrilled that the city has decided to expand its partnership with HOPE by making these funds available to us!


On the Road to Success by Julian S.


Affordable Housing: Making a Difference in Your Community