Community Partners, Mayor Attend HOPE Open House on Flatbush

What a great turnout for our February 24th open house on Flatbush Avenue in Norwalk. This site will be home to three tenants with developmental disabilities. Ongoing services will be provided by Life Steps Foundation and the Harbor Regional Center. The event brought together neighbors, community partners, and local officials to celebrate the latest addition of affordable housing in the city.

Tours were provided by residents, proud to show off their new home to visitors. Later, attendees listened to Norwalk Mayor, Leonard Shryock; HOPE Board President, Bob Irlen; and Executive Director, Kristin Martin, as they gave speeches highlighting the housing crisis in the state and lauding the efforts of the community collaboration that made this affordable home a reality. A special thank you was given to Kristin Maithonis and Jesus Sanchez in the city's community development department, whose dedicated work on this project was critical to its success. The mayor made it a point to warmly welcome the new renters to the neighborhood.

Kristin Martin spoke in particular of the impact this location would have on its tenants. “This is our fifth affordable home in Norwalk, and I’m excited to be a part of the celebration. I am even more excited though for the opportunities the privacy, independence and safety of this house will afford our residents.”

Turnout for the event was higher than expected, with dozens of family members present to meet the community partners that made possible their loved ones’ new home and to help create a welcoming environment for the guests. The evening ended with the ribbon cutting ceremony. Mayor Shryock had the honors but invited the current tenants to join him as he officially opened the restored house for occupancy.  


5th Successful Lawn to Garden Project in Partnership with RTLB and LBWD


Open House for New Affordable Home on Flatbush