Casino Speedway Night Hits the Jackpot!

Over 130 guests and volunteers beat the odds at HOPE’s Premiere Casino Speedway Night on Saturday, June 6, 2015 at Pelican Parts Race Showroom in Harbor City.

The crowd enthusiastically participated in both games of chance and the Silent Auction. 

Popular items in the Silent Auction were:

(1)  A Romantic Gondola Ride in Huntington Harbor

(2)  A two night stay at the Hotel Maya in Long Beach

(3)  A series of wine classes at Total Wine plus dinner at Michael’s on Naples Ristorante

(4)  Sailing excursion off Redondo Beach for eight people

(5)  Tour for ten at Space X in Hawthorne


The event raised nearly $40,000 which will be directed toward the purchase of a third College to Career property that will provide “dorm like” housing for ten Long Beach City College students with developmental disabilities. One student, Shaun Swersky, spoke eloquently of his living at one of the current C2C properties.

The stars of the evening were Wayne and Nori Dempsey who donated their private race car showroom space for the evening. Wayne, a connoisseur of race cars, displayed several of the outstanding cars in his private collection. HOPE is also grateful for the generosity of sponsors who supported the event and brought so many new people who found out about HOPE’s affordable housing programs for the first time. 

Thank you to the Casino Speedway Night Committee and all the volunteers who worked at the evening event. Thanks also to our many silent auction donors, our sponsors, and, of course, our guests.

If you couldn't attend Casino Speedway Night,  you still have an opportunity to support other young people with development disabilities like Shaun who want to live independently while they attend college by making a generous gift to  the College 2 Career program.  To make a secure online donation, click on "DONATE NOW."  Your generosity will make it possible for more young people with development disabilities to live in safe, affordable housing while they're attending classes at Long Beach City College.  You'll be helping them build a future.  Thank you.

Casino Royale

High Roller

Four of a Kind

Beverage Sponsors


Paddle for HOPE Results


HOPE’s Premiere Casino Speedway Night